Guest book for Steinar Vissebråten 1999

******** Received from Janean McKay ( - 1999.01.24-16.14.54 ********

As I knew there would be music I flew to the bottom and got it off. Yes, I only have 8 and have it 1/2 full. My son shakes his head and says, "Mother you have to do something!" Thanks for the reply. It's snowing again this Sunday morn. Guess we will go to church anyway. We had ice on Wed and the roads are still messy. But it's MN in January winter. My great-grandmother Barbro Johanna Rotnem's sister Guri was married to a Dokken. I think he was Ole. She died young of TB here in the US. It was who Barbro went to first when she came. Guri's daughter Barbro married the sister Barbro's step-son, Hans Meyer. (All those Barbros and Guris gets confusing.) If you are interested in any of this let me know.JFM in SW MN

******** Received from Sandy Larsen ( - 1999.01.28-06.57.53 ********

Hello Steinar, Happy New Year! Long time since I last visited your site and/or communicated with you. The geneology info is very good. You have some qestion marks on my wife. Yes it is "Olia". We have been together for almost 25 years, although lately it looks as we may or may not make the magic 25. When I get some time I will scan some images for you. Eugene was born in Edmonton not Lethbridge. Please send me your email address and also any other email addresses of our family that you may have. Thank you and best wishes for you and your family. Sandy

******** Mottatt fra barry m dahl ( - 1999.02.26-17.34.29 ********

Hei My wife is descended from the Gaarnes family from Hallingdal. Just checking out you site takk skal du ha Barry

******** Received from Maggie Nelson ( - 1999.03.06-21.00.30 ********

Hi. I like your homepage music so much, I hated to leave it. My husband, in particular is a great fan of classic country but I like it, too, and I like Don Williams but haven't seen him around lately. We went to the Grand Ole Opry in Oct. for the first time in our lives. One of our sons is in a country band in Duluth. I think that you've "talked" to my friend Carolyn here in Brainerd, MN. Maggie

******** Received from Karen Redd ( - 1999.03.06-21.19.57 ********

Hi, your guest book is great. WOW! I am working on my home page, and it is nothing like this. You must be a computer Guru. Karen REdd

[Home page]

******** Received from Sharon Mills ( - 1999.03.22-19.11.50 ********

I enjoyed your site..and the rosemaling is beautiful! So people in Norway enjoy "country music" too. I am learning the the world isn't so big after all.

******** Received from Patrycja Konieczny - 1999.03.30-09.59.04 ********

You have great internet page.It is really fantastic.I would like to see more pictures of Your hand made things. Patrycja

******** Mottatt fra Hilde Fossum ( - 1999.09.06-23.33.23 ********

Hei Steinar, Jeg surfet tilfeldigvis innom din hjemmeside - all ære til deg. Og mens jeg satt her og klikket kom jeg tilfeldigvis over noen kjente navn. Dette er jo min slekt også; Barbro Larsdatter Ellingsbråten var min oldemor og Laura Ivarsdatter Kollhus min bestemor. Er du interessert kan jeg hjelpe deg med denne grenen frem til i dag. Kanskje kan min far komme med noen utfyllende opplysninger også? Med vennlig hilsen Hilde Fossum

******** Received from Alexa Chase Jones ( - 1999.09.23-06.57.27 ********

Greetings, Steinar! You have a very enjoyable webpage! Thank you for your efforts to document the genealogy. My great-grandmother is from Valders Norway - a beautiful place. Best of luck.

******** Mottatt fra Sigve Aasen ( - 1999.10.13-22.16.24 ********

Hei Steinar. Det er litt flaut å si det, men dette er første gangen jeg er inne på dine sider. Får ikke tid til å se på så mye nå, men du skal få tilbakemelding senere. Sigve

******** Received from LeRoy Holm ( - 1999.10.15-16.31.47 ********

Great page!! I was looking for the Grimsgaard farm and was led to your page, it is amazing My fathers side of the family all came from Hallingdal and the Nes and Gol areas, so I find all your information overwhelming. I was hoping to find a listing of the Havargaard farm where my family lived for generations til my gggrandfather moved to an island and changed his name to Holm

******** Mottatt fra Kelly Petit ( - 1999.10.16-22.59.28 ********

You have a great homepage and I really enjoyed seeing what you and your wife have done. Regards Kjellaug AKA Kelly Robberstad Petit


******** Mottatt fra Anders Chr. Wall- Andersen ( - 1999.10.17-00.54.17 ********

Hei Steinar! Dette var en meget fin hjemmeside lykke til med videreføringen. Det var spennende å lese om slekta. Savner et billede av Vissebråten. (Det finnes under slektsidene Anders!) Hilsen Anders


******** Received from Helen E Brieske ( - 1999.10.25-20.34.09 ********

Hello Steinar, This past summer I spent about two months in the area of Gol, Nesbyen, Hol, Geilo, Hemsedal, and over to Ulnes and Fagernes. It is a lovely area and I hope to return some day. I am a cousin of Bob Tate who has emailed you regarding his ancestors who settled in Nicollett County, Minnesota. They apparently came from Skoltedokken near Hemsedal. Terje Østro was kind enough to ride with me and show me many of the farms in which I was interested. This Lars Dokken and Turine Olsdtr family are a puzzle. I have the information you sent to Bob Tate and have compared it with my research. Now I wish to look at more church records and look again at the records I already have searched. Puzzles interest me, and I'd like to solve this one. I'm not asking anything of you, just saying, "Hello" and wishing you well. Helen

******** Mottatt fra Jan Gandrudbakken ( - 1999.10.26-17.47.24 ********

Hei og takk for sist. Det var et hyggelig besøk, og jeg må bare få si, at så langt som du er kommet teknisk etc. ser jeg ingen mulighet for å nå. Jeg har sendt din adresse til Hallinger i USA. Der er et billede av meg på DiS Hordaland sin hjemmeside under " Slekt på hjernen" Jeg ønsker deg lykke til, skulle bare ønske at jeg hadde bopel noe nermere. Hils også din hyggelige kone, Beste hilsen fra Jan Gandrudbakken

******** Received from Mary Karr (Uffda1830966606) - 1999.11.10-20.44.17 ********

My paternal great-grandparents were from Buskerud. My great-grandfather was born in Nes, Hallingdal, Buskerud, Norway on May 16, 1830. His mother's name (from what I have gotten from census records from Freeborn County Minnesota was Cornelia Narveson. His name was Ole Anderson (Braaten). Ole died in Otisco, Waseca County, Minnesota on November 19, 1895. Cornelia died in Otisco in 1882. Ole married Mari Knutsdatter, (the daughter of Knut Engebretson and Berit Larsdatter) in July 1863 in Waseca County Minnesota. Ole and Mari's daughter Clara Thealina Anderson was born in 1882 also in Otisco. My father Irvin Joseph Simonson was born to Clara and Joseph Arthur Simonson on October 29, 1924 in Hartland, Freeborn County, Minnesota. Joseph and Clara had 10 children, my dad being the youngest. There are 5 surviving children of the 10. Mary Simonson Karr. Do you have any information on Ole Anderson Braaten and maybe his parents, etc? Thank you in advance.

******** Received from Sue Clark ( - 1999.11.15-01.39.43 ********

Hi, thank you for responding to my Norway List query. I look forward to hearing more. I have been sorting through my mom's records and came across something I think might help the search...I just need to type it in in Norwegian! I know there are alot of Odegaarden's in every valley, including Fla Hallingdal. Here's to the search! Thanks again, Sue Clark.

[Home page]

******** Mottatt fra Are S. Gustavsen ( - 1999.11.16-12.59.51 ********

Hei Steinar! Hyggelig å se at du er aktiv på hjemmesidefronten. Jeg ser at du for det meste har konsentrert deg om Nes, og jeg tror at vi har felles slekt i hvertfall på Devegge. Om du er interessert kan vi legge inn en link til din side på hjemmesidene til Gjallarhorn: Are S. Gustavsen Redaktør Gjallarhorn. Tidsskriftet for amatørgenealoger i alle aldre. Medlemsblad for Vestfold Slektshistorielag og Buskerud Slektshistorielag

******** Received from Alfonso E. Valle-Garay ( - 1999.11.21-18.23.31 ********

I am still working up to the courage of starting a Home page. Not to easy to fit all these things into a 62 years old retiree's schedule. Lucky you have Kent to advise and support with all your PC needs. Have a Merry Holiday Season with your family. I enjoyed your site. Alfonso

******** Mottatt fra Donna Palmer ( - 1999.12.10-17.45.33 ********

Wanted to check out your page after our communication about John Prine the songwriter. Be sure to stay updated by checking out the Prine Shrine (!! Enjoyed your page and admire your woodworking skills and Anna's painting skills. Peace...Donna L. Palmer, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

******** Received from Laurie ( - 1999.12.21-22.59.37 ********

Merry Christmas, Steinar!

******** Received from Dorothy Rodgers ( - 1999.12.22-00.07.06 ********

I am a collector of the three monkeys--see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. Do you know anyone, anywhere in Norway who does such wood carving? Your clocks are beautiful, as is your chests. Anna does a beautiful job of painting. I really enjoyed your web page and feel that I know you now. Come visit. Dorothy

******** Received from Bill Reque ( - 2000.01.02-22.14.13 ********

Most surprising music out of Norway.